Victoria Map Poster


This beautiful city poster is a real centerpiece with its expressive illustration of the streets and nature combined with the Scandinavian design. It will look fantastic both hanging or standing against your wall. It works well in almost any type of setting and ambience.

Environmentally Responsible

Your prints are produced at the facility closest to you. This allows for faster and greener shipping, reducing carbon emissions by 67%.

Effortlessly Customizable

Easily create wall art like no other and fully personalize the special places that made you, you!

Personalized Gifting

High-quality and printed-to-order, our personalized map art poster makes a lasting, meaningful gift.

Scandinavian Design

Our on-trend and high quality Scandinavian designs fit any interior, without the help of an expert.

How To Create Customizable Map Posters

Our Classic Streetmap poster lets you effortlessly create unique city map prints of any location, in just a few steps!

Choose your special location

Which places made you, you? Choose a location connected your biggest milestone in life, or simply any place that makes you feel good!

Personalize your text

Add any special words or quote that will lift your mood each day, or a loveable message to someone else.

Change up the look with colors and themes

Every home is unique, and with our predefined colors and themes you can quickly find a look that suits your interior style.


Portrait, Landscape


30x40cm, 50x70cm, 70x100cm, 11×17", 12×18", 18×24", 24×36"



I’ve been ordering from Mapiful for a few years. I’ve always had a great experience. Customer service goes above and beyond their responsibilities to insure I was happy with my order I most recently made a mistake with. I’m very grateful for that!! Such a great product. I started a “places I’ve lived or traveled to wall” for our son and he loves these gifts.

L. Van Winkle


Y Vette L QB


How to choose your Victoria map poster


A stylish Victoria map print looks great in any space, from formal dining rooms to relaxing dens. At home or in the office, picking your print involves two important considerations – style and size.

Your Victoria map poster should complement the space where it hangs or stands. With our diverse collection of designs, you will find colors and styles that will match the interior design of your space. For modern or contemporary looks, we have designs like the Bright or Dark themes. Go for something classic with our Retro or White design for your Victoria map print, for example.

The size of the print should also respect the dimensions of the space where it hangs or stands. There are three sizes available, and you can design a portrait or landscape print. Landscapes and larger prints work best in large or wide walls. A smaller or portrait Victoria map print is ideal for narrow or small spaces.


How to personalize your Victoria map poster


Personalizing your Victoria map art is easy with our editing tool. Create a custom view of Victoria by zooming in on specific streets or a neighborhood. You can also enter specific coordinates.

Once you have your custom map ready, create your own city map with personal touches. Pick colors you or a loved one likes, for example. There are also different styles to choose from, so you can create a print that reflects your taste or character.

Custom text is another great way to personalize your print. Include lyrics you love or a meaningful quote. You can also add details about the poster, like a date or names. With four lines of text available, there is lots of space to customize your personalized Victoria map art with words.


Can I design a map poster of Victoria for any special occasion?


With a custom poster design of Victoria, connections and memories are celebrated. For any occasion, a unique Victoria map poster is a gift everyone will love. Create a map of the neighborhood where your partner grew up for Valentine’s Day, or design a map print of where your mom lived as a child for Mother’s Day. Any occasion is the perfect one for a personalized Victoria map print.

Buy personalized map prints for Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Mother’s Day and other special occasions. These prints are also great gift ideas for birthdays and anniversaries. The ability to customize your print with text and change the appearance means you can design a unique gift for your loved one. When you design your own map of Victoria and its neighborhoods are showcased in a striking way with personal touches and stunning visuals.


The inspiration of Justine


My mom was born in Victoria. For Mother’s Day, I created a Victoria map print of the neighborhood where she grew up. At the center was the street where she lived. I chose a stylish design that matched the decor in her home, and she loved how the map art complemented the room where she hung the print. I loved how I could add personal touches, although I wanted something simple – so I just included the address of my mom’s childhood home.

  • Justine


About Victoria


Where is Victoria located on the map?


Situated in western Canada, Victoria is in the south of Vancouver Island in British Columbia.


To which region does Victoria belong?


Victoria belongs to the Canadian province of British Columbia.


What are the most important neighborhoods of Victoria?


Some of the most important neighborhoods in Victoria include James Bay, Downtown, Fernwood, Victoria West, Fairfield, Rockland, North Park and Burnside.


What are the top 10 streets in Victoria?


Top streets that you can highlight in your Victoria map poster include:


  1. Fort Street
  2. Rockland Avenue
  3. Blanchard Street
  4. Douglas Street
  5. Government Street
  6. Wharf Street
  7. Bay Street
  8. Hillside Avenue
  9. Johnson Street
  10. Quadra Street

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